Our Responsive Grantmaking Program has traditionally been the Foundation’s largest grantmaking program. Through two competitive grantmaking cycles each year, nonprofits with family-centered programming can apply to receive general operating grants.
In order to apply for a grant in 2022, you will be asked to complete an eligibility quiz that is available within our grants management system.
To apply for a grant, applicants should:
Open to New AND Past Grantees*
HI, FL, TX & VT: The Foundation will accept proposals from new applicants and past grantees* in the Big Island, HI; Greater Orlando, FL; Harris, Montgomery and Waller counties; TX; and Bennington and Rutland counties, VT.
Open to Past Grantees* | Closed to New Grantees
MD, OH, DC, & NY: The Foundation will only accept proposals from past grantees* in Anne Arundel County and Baltimore City, MD; Cuyahoga County, OH; Washington, DC (proper); and New York City, NY.
*A past grantee is defined as an organization that has received a Responsive grant dating back to 2013, the year the Foundation shifted its funding priority to strengthening families. Some past grantees may have received a grant from one of the Foundation’s other grantmaking programs; however, they must have received a prior grant through our Responsive Grantmaking program to be eligible to apply to the Responsive Grantmaking Program.
Generally, the Foundation does not fund national organizations. However, staff encourage local affiliates or chapters of national organizations to apply for a single community and have local leadership (e.g., boards, executive staff, physical office space) in one of the Foundation’s grantmaking communities.
When in doubt, contact the staff:
For inquiries from organizations in MD, VT, DC, & NY, contact Marlene Corrado.
For inquiries from organizations in HI, TX, FL, & OH, contact Kara McCullough.
No. The Foundation funds work that supports families in its targeted geographies.
Yes, but only if there is a local presence within the eligible community as demonstrated by a local staff presence and/or a local board (either governing or advisory).
Yes, but we would only consider funding that would support the work in the eligible community. If there is no work conducted in the local community then you would not be eligible.
Please note that state-wide organizations are typically less competitive.
Applicants must serve families, with preference given to applications with whole-family approaches that strive to meet the needs of the entire family unit.
(NEW as of 2021) Given the prolonged public health and economic crises facing our communities, the Foundation also expects to prioritize organizations that help families meet basic needs.
The application process begins with the submission of a proposal through our grantee portal by 11:59 pm in applicant’s time-zone.
Once an application is received, a confirmation email will be sent to the primary contact from our grants management system. The time between the application deadline and award notification will be approximately 3 months.
Staff and O’Neill family members review proposals.
Some organizations may be invited to schedule an informal clarification call to discuss any questions that the reviewers had when reading your application.
Once final funding decisions have been made, an email will be sent to notify the primary contact from our grants management system.
If your organization is approved for a grant, we will ask for an ACH form as well as a copy of a cancelled check or a bank verification letter in order to process your payment.
If your request is declined, staff will be happy to answer questions regarding the request. Applicants can return at any time.
** Please note: New system as of Feb. 2022.**
Review our step-by-step instructions for navigating Fluxx, our new grantee portal. Learn how to log-in, create profiles, use the portal, and complete a grant application.
For inquiries from organizations in MD, VT, DC, & NY, contact Marlene Corrado.
For inquiries from organizations in HI, TX, FL, & OH, contact Kara McCullough.
Our Responsive Grantmaking Program is extremely competitive. Between now and the end of the year, we anticipate having approximately $1 million (total) to distribute across 8 communities. Typically, approximately 1/3 of the requests received are funded.
Although you may request up to 10% of your total operating budget (up to $50,000), realistically, the average grant size will be in the $25,000 range. Awarded grants may be funded for less than the amount requested.
There is no pre-determined number of grants for each geography or grantmaking area.
No. Grant terms are predetermined by the Foundation. Your organization will be asked to sign a grant agreement that specifies the start and end dates of your grant. We set these grant terms to ensure everyone has a fair chance to apply for funding.
The Foundation Center has three funding resources that can be used remotely, as an alternative to visiting one of their regional offices.