The William J. and Dorothy K. O’Neill Foundation is excited to announce its new issue areas!
In early 2023, we announced the end of our Responsive Grantmaking Program and embarked on a new grantmaking strategy that would allow us to continue to support important initiatives and programs in a different—but still life-changing—way.
We dedicated the past few months to learning about the philanthropic sector and opportunities for the O’Neill family members who seek to drive positive change. In response to a shifting landscape shaped by national and global events, we worked to identify new opportunities to do great work in partnership with communities.
As described below, five issue areas, championed by O’Neill family members, reflect the intersection of the family’s personal interests and their desire to support underfunded communities.
1. Birth Justice | We believe that justice and joy can, and should, coexist during pregnancy, birth, and infancy. Our grantmaking will support organizations that offer solutions to end the disparities in birth outcomes and lead to happier and healthier beginnings for families.
2. Dignity in Choice, Direct Cash Assistance | We believe that dignity and self-reliance will flourish when people have adequate resources and choice. Our grantmaking supports organizations that provide direct cash transfers to low-income individuals both domestically and internationally, through two routes: emergency bridge assistance and monthly income programs. Individuals, families, and communities are lifted through this simple and effective strategy.
3. Empowering Young Men through Leadership, Mentorship, and Fatherhood | We believe that every community has harbormasters; those individuals with the moral authority, the respect of neighbors, and the ambition to create change from within. Grantmaking supports organizations that identify grassroots leaders, empowering them with the leadership skills, mentorship, and the fathering resources they need to amplify their voices within their own communities and, in turn, support young men to be agents of their own uplifting.
4. Environmental Justice | We believe that the climate crisis affects every area of our lives, disproportionately impacting low income communities. Our grantmaking is grounded in partnering with the communities that are most deeply challenged by environmental issues and leveraging resources effectively at both the grassroots and national level.
5. Rural Communities | We believe that addressing the unique needs of rural communities in a hyperlocal fashion will provide outsized results to this under-resourced area of philanthropy. Our grantmaking supports communities in Hawaii and Vermont, investing in the highly motived and creative people and organizations who persevere despite the inherent infrastructure challenges that accompany their work. Grants are directed to strength-based approaches that build on the resilience of rural communities.
This new grantmaking process is intended to align with our updated Mission, Vision, and Values, and will be done by “invitation only.” While that may change in the future, organizations may only apply for a grant if they receive a request to do so. If you have been invited to apply for a grant, you will receive an email containing instructions on how to apply.
Across the many generations of the O’Neill family, we are excited to lean in with curiosity and learn from and alongside our grantee partners as we move forward with our new grantmaking strategy.
To stay up-to-date on our work and programs, or to learn more about the journey taken to get to this refreshed grantmaking process, follow the Foundation on Facebook @oneillfoundation and Twitter @oneillfdn, and subscribe to our newsletter below.